Weather Station Status
This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.

The current data and time is: Jul 26, 2024 - 9:02:48 PM

Application File Frequency Last Upload Time Elapsed Status
Space BarAllPageSolar.txt10 Minutes07/26/24 21:00:06 PDT2.7 minCurrent
S-flaresxrayimage0.jpg5 Minutes07/26/24 21:01:08 PDT1.7 minCurrent
SP20DailySP20Daily0.jpg60 Minutes07/26/24 21:02:03 PDT45 secCurrent
SPDailySPDaily0.jpg60 Minutes07/26/24 20:03:03 PDT59.8 minCurrent
S-flux16 2S_flux16Cron2.txt5 Minutes07/26/24 21:00:03 PDT2.8 minCurrent
S-flux17 2S_flux17Cron2.txt5 Minutes07/26/24 21:00:02 PDT2.8 minCurrent
Air-QAirAubMain.txt15 Minutes07/26/24 21:00:02 PDT2.8 minCurrent